Product Assurance Engineer
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(Veneto, Italy)
Reporting to the head of the Quality department, the candidate will lead all the activities related to PA aspects and will act as a focal point for the Customers and the Suppliers/Sub-Contractors for all the PA disciplines.
- Establish and maintain the PA Plan in line with the project PA Requirements
- Establish and maintain the PA Plan for Suppliers/Sub-Contractors
- Co-ordinate all the PA activities in line with the PA Plan
- Manage the identified Critical Items and maintain the CIL
- Identify and manage MIPs/KIPs
- Manage NCRs, RFDs and RFWs
- Prepare and maintain the Qualification Status List
- Prepare PA Progress Report and maintain the PA Action Lists
- Release PA documents (CIL, NCR’s, QSR, Alert Status List, RFW/RFD, MIP/KIP Reports,.......)
- Plan and Perform PA Audit
- Review materials, parts and processes against PA and technical requirements
- Assure the respect of Contamination & Cleanliness best practices
- Witness manufacturing and testing activities
- Check and maintain quality control data and records collected during PA/QA management activities
- Manage configuration and changes tracking
- Manage ESA Alerts, Chair NRB’s, TRR’s, TRB’s
- Verify the qualification of the processes
- Provide support to Qualification and Acceptance Campaigns and certify the achievements
- Prepare and attend MRR’s, Prepare the EIDP
- Support and attend project meetings and Design Reviews (PDR, CDR)
- University degree in technical fields
- Experience in Product Assurance and/or Quality Assurance in Space projects
- Knowledge of the ECSS standards
- Management and technical skills of high quality and reliable products
- Pragmatic and logical approach to problem-solving
- Ability to work in multi-disciplinary, multi-language, multi-cultural team
- Good communication skills
- Knowledge of English Language
- Proactive attitude
- MS Project, Office
- Experience in managing Sub-Contractors is considered as a preference